Imagineering service

Succeed in fulfilling your dreams with imagineering!

Companies’ environment are located in is influenced by rapid globalization, the rise of emerging markets, changes in customers and their relationship with companies.
It continues to change dramatically due to the speeding of technological innovation.
In the midst of these changes, it is essential to carry out appropriate and swift corporate transformation in order for the company to continue to grow and realize its vision.
Imagineering service intentionally directs corporate transformation (business innovation) by supporting the execution of three transformation phases, “new business creation” and “existing business innovation” based on “business design”.
Realize your vision! (dreams and goals).

Imagineering service model

Business design

From business plan to
business model

In a highly uncertain business environment, the era of formulating strategies with a fixed business plan is over. In future business operations, it is necessary to move toward the realization of the corporate vision while going through the hypothesis verification cycle with the business model and strategy. In business design, we define “the kind of value to create for customers” as a business model based on customer insights, and draw out a strategy to them deliver value.

New business creation

Creation of new measures / businesses / markets

In order for a company to grow continuously, it is becoming more important to not only maintain existing businesses but also to create new ones along with markets. We will grow our company by formulating new measures to develop existing businesses, creating new ones based on the concept of lean startup, and the Blue Ocean Strategy, which aims to create a non-competitive market.

Existing business innovation

Kaizen and in-house production of core business processes

We will realize innovation of core business processes (organization & business & ICT system) from the field perspective so that we can execute our own business model. We will realize short-term (= Agile development) business Kaizen that matches the business model by in-house production of ICT systems, and create an organization that can run the hypothesis verification cycle. In non-core operations, we aim to improve ROI and P / L by cloud computing and outsourcing.

In order to realize these changes, we will build a mechanism that can collect and utilize the data required for hypothesis testing from the front platform and backyard platform. We will continue to run the “hypothesis verification cycle by utilizing data”.

hypothesis verification cycle by utilizing data

Imagineering service example

Imagineer ring
ROI enhancement service

Business improvement
support service

My number system
support service

Click here for details on “My Number” system introduction support service

Security education
support service

[Contact for inquiries regarding this matter] * We will respond to interviews at any time. Please feel free to contact us.

Notice about business alliance with Flats Co., Ltd..

Regarding the sales, construction, and operation services required for the newly launched Magento business, we have entered into a business alliance agreement with the support of Flats Co., Ltd. (Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director Takahiro Hisasue, hereinafter “Flats”).

Magento, an EC platform used by more than 240,000 sites around the world, is recognized in Japan as an open source software for building cross-border EC sites.
The number of companies that have introduced it is increasing in response to the demand for cross-border EC in recent years.
Together with Kobe Digital Labo Inc. (President: Ichiro Nagayoshi, KDL); an IT vendor from one of our parent companies that develops systems, Web business, and security services; we are promoting his Magento business in Japan and Southeast Asia.
The purpose is to meet the increasing demand for cross-border EC.

[Contact for inquiries regarding this matter] * We will respond to interviews at any time. Please feel free to contact us.

Information on relocation of head office

We have relocated our head office from Kobe to Tokyo on May 1st.
As a result, we will start a full-scale “imagineering service” (consultation service that promotes corporate innovation) developed by our company, and also promote “Magento business”, a cross-border EC site construction and operation service that we also newly develop.

[New address] 3-5-12 Sendagaya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0011

[Contact for inquiries regarding this matter] * We will respond to interviews at any time. Please feel free to contact us.

Notification of service launch regarding “GDPR (EU General Data Protection Regulation)”

As a new consulting service menu, we have started the guidance and operation service regarding “GDPR (EU General Data Protection Regulation)”.
The GDPR is a new privacy framework in the European Union (EU), which is scheduled to be applied from May 25, 2018, and is a guide that sets out the conditions regarding the processing and transfer of personal data.
There are concerns about the impact on Japanese companies from various perspectives just before the enforcement.
This is a system that should be watched especially for businesses that develop businesses for the European Economic Area, including the EU, on cross-border EC sites.
In the future, it will be necessary to understand the contents of the system and operate it in compliance with it.
We will grasp the current situation according to the business content of the customer, and propose and support appropriate measures for the system.

[Contact for inquiries regarding this matter] * We will respond to interviews at any time. Please feel free to contact us.

Notice of capital increase

We are pleased to inform you that we have increased the capital to 20 million yen on September 25, 2017.

With this capital increase, we will strengthen our financial base, further strengthen our cross-border EC business structure, and work to expand our business.
We strive to further improve our services to our customers.
We look forward to your continued support of Banyan Partners Inc.

≪Change of capital≫ ■Capital after capital increase 20,000,000 yen

[Contact for inquiries regarding this matter] * We will respond to interviews at any time. Please feel free to contact us.

World’s first “cloud observation automation” system development order

​Aiming to solve problems in ship meteorological observation with the world’s first images taken on board and AI

To the press

October 5, 2017
Kobe Digital Labo Inc.
Banyan Partners Co., Ltd.

On October 5, 2017, Banyan Partners Inc., a subsidiary of Kobe Digital Labo Inc., jointly developed an “automatic observation and transmission system for marine meteorological observation” by SKY PerfecTV JSAT Co., Ltd. in collaboration with the national university corporation Kobe University.
As part of this, we are announcing that we have received an order to develop a system that automates the “cloud cover” and “cloud condition” that are currently visually observed on board ships using images taken on board and AI.

■Purpose of “cloud observation automation” system development

For general vessels, we are working to prevent accidents by quickly obtaining stormy weather information and other safety information on a global scale.
The meteorological observation data for that purpose is manually measured and transmitted by the crew from the ship.
The development of this system automates the amount and state of clouds, which are weather observation items that require visual inspection and are not practically used for observation with equipment, using images taken on board and artificial intelligence.
This is the world’s first initiative aimed at improving accuracy and improving work efficiency.

Screen sample under development
<Screen under development>

■How to solve problems in this system

(1) Collect images of the sky including clouds taken by the spherical camera installed on the ship with a satellite line.
Based on the advice of the Graduate School of Maritime Sciences, Kobe University, analyze images with AI.
The observation results of “cloud cover” and “cloud condition” specified by the Japan Meteorological Agency will be derived.
(2) We will formulate the specifications of the shooting equipment and shooting specifications to enable the derivation of observation results by AI.
(3)In order to efficiently evaluate, improve accuracy, and utilize observation results, we will build an interface that realizes “sky image” input, “classification results”, and “total cloud cover measurement values” using WebAPI.

Under development screen sample
<System overview>

■Functions to achieve

The performance that we aim to achieve by the end of March 2018, which is the first phase, is as follows.
(1)The target of the correct answer rate is as follows.
◎ Cloud cover 90% or more ◎ Cloud type 70% or more (We will continue to verify for improvement from the next fiscal year onward)
(2) We will formulate the specifications of the shooting equipment to be mounted on the ship and the shooting specifications (shooting range, direction, angle of view, frequency, etc.) in the next fiscal year.
(3) From the next fiscal year onward, we will build a foundation with functions for development and verification to further improve the correct answer rate.

■What the system is aiming for

By constructing this system, we aim to reduce the burden on seafarers, improve the accuracy of weather forecasts, and contribute to safe voyages.

■Development of automatic observation / transmission system for marine meteorological observation” project development

This system development was adopted as a support target project of the “Advanced Ship Technology R & D Support Project” of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism undertaken by Shosen Mitsui Co., Ltd., Furuno Electric Co., Ltd. and SKY PerfecTV JSAT Co., Ltd. and joint research with the Japan Maritime Association. It will be implemented as part of the “Development of Automatic Observation / Transmission System for Marine Meteorological Observation” project.


In developing this system, we refer to the “Guidelines for Ship Meteorological Observation” and “Guide for Report on Ship Meteorological Observation Tables and Report on Ship Meteorological Report” issued by the Japan Meteorological Agency.

【Company Profile】

Company name: Kobe Digital Labo Inc.
Representative: Ichiro Nagayoshi, President and CEO
Location: (Headquarters) Shin Kuresento Building, 72 Kyomachi, Chuo-ku, Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture 650-0034
(Tokyo Office) Humax Ebisu Building, 1-1-1 Ebisu Minami, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0022
Established: October 1995
Capital: 29.95 million yen

Company name: Banyan Partners Inc.
Representative: Representative Director Fumio Tsuri
Location: (Headquarters) Shin Kuresento Building 5F, 72 Kyomachi, Chuo-ku, Kobe 650-0034
Established: October 10, 2014
Capital: 20 million yen

[Contact for inquiries regarding this matter] * We will respond to interviews at any time. Please feel free to contact us.

Kobe Digital Labo Inc.
Person in charge: Public Relations Office
Keiko Matsumaru
TEL :078-327-2280

Banyan Partners Inc.
Person in charge: Representative Director
Fumio Tsuri
TEL :078-600-2720

[Contact for inquiries regarding this matter] * We will respond to interviews at any time. Please feel free to contact us.

My number system introduction support service

My number can be easily introduced by acquiring an Individual Number Card, giving you an opportunity to transform your business!

My number system introduction support service

From January 2016, the social security and tax number system (hereinafter referred to as the My Number system) will come into effect. Prior to the enforcement, in October 2015, each local government is scheduled to start numbering and notification of My Number.
Even in private companies, it is necessary to improve the process and system support for acquiring, managing,
and reporting My Numbers of employees and their families.
Since specific personal information including My Number requires a stricter management system than personal information,
it is inevitable to comply with the My Number system.
However, the current situation shows how the awareness and understanding of the My Number system in companies is unfavorably small.
In order to support the My Number system support in companies,
we will provide the My Number system introduction support service.

Overview of the introduction of the My Number system

In order to support My Number, it is necessary to consider the support policy within the following business scope and handle it as a company-wide project.

Overview of the introduction of the My Number system

Notification / preparation

Announcement of my number
correspondence policy company-wide,
Prepare for response.

Main points to consider
  • Who is the initial responsibility department?
  • Who is the external consultant?
  • What is management understanding?
  • What is the actual status of the PJ operation?
  • What is the actual state of compliance?

Use / practical use

Collect employee’s My Number
and manage it appropriately.

Main points to consider
  • What is the total number of employees?
  • What is the ratio of regular employees to non-regular employees?
  • What is the retention of employees and the actual situation of employment?
  • What is the status of systematization of personnel and labor data?
  • What is the management status of ID / Pass such as GW?
  • What is the level of IT literacy?
  • What is your security policy?

Maintenance / education

Develop various regulations and
information systems and
provide education to employees.

Main points to consider
  • What is the scale, content, and employment form of your business?
  • What is the actual state of maintenance and operation of various regulations?
  • What is your personal information protection management system?
  • What is your education system?

Use / application

Output my number to the system
target form and formulate
a business transformation plan.

Main points to consider
  • What is the actual usage and forecast of system forms?
    (Company insurance pension system, tax system)
  • What about personnel, salary and accounting systems?
  • What is the status of labor and accounting outsourcing?
  • What is the P / L labor cost composition and shift management status?
  • What is the maintenance status of JIS Q 15001?

The range of support is wide, so no need to rush!
Easy installation is possible by “obtaining an Individual Number Card”!!

My number system introduction step

We will take steps to respond to each business scope.
It is important to aim for business transformation while minimizing the support for My Number.

Understanding the current situation
Strengthening the system
Formulation of transformation plan

My number

Announcement /


  • Comprehension of description on all levels till top management
  • Description Announcement to the whole company
  • PJ formation centered on the main department
  • Clarification of the scope of influence (including submitted form)
  • Determining the scope of safety management measures
  • Consultation with related system vendors
  • Number acquisition process and planning


  • Understanding and approval as a company-wide business
  • Clarification of individual and organizational responsibilities
  • Clarification of introduction output requirements
  • Clarification of outline of various regulations
  • Budget acceptance


  • entreprise * Under the head of general affairs
STEP. 2-1
Acquisition / management


  • Number collection and input
    Full-time employee / part-time job, part-time job / others (including dependent relatives)
  • System refurbishment or developmen
    (DB conversion& master data linkage)
  • I / O process arrangements
  • Data storage and destruction process arrangements


  • Identity verification (master maintenance)
  • Number D/B
  • Operation procedure with linked system & data storage, clarification of disposal process


  • entreprise
    * Implemented in business divisions mainly under general affairs and information system

Acquisition of personal
number card

STEP. 2-2
Maintenance /


  • Preparation and preparation of various regulations and manuals
    Organizational regulations, personal regulations, physical environment maintenance regulations, system operation regulations, business operation regulations, etc.
  • Implementation of educational guidance to each related department
  • Institutional support for related information systems


  • Manuals, business follow-ups, regulations, forms based on safety management measures regulations
  • Business transformation plan to be developed for the introduction of this system
  • Specific personal information protection regulations


  • General Affairs, Labor, Accounting, Information System Crisis Management Office
Use / application


  • Confirmation of output of system target forms
  • Operation check of number D / B linkage system
  • Implementation of failure response simulation
  • Scrutiny confirmation of safety management measures regulations
  • Creation of transformation Kaizen plan


  • Confirmation of difference between initial plan and output
  • Clarification of remaining issues
  • Revision of role regulations
  • Renovation plan for related systems
  • Transformation Kaizen Plan


  • entreprise * PJ development under general affairs manager
My number system introduction step diagram
DL icon

Realization of business transformation

[Contact for inquiries regarding this matter] * We will respond to interviews at any time. Please feel free to contact us.

Notice of the 2018 Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence National Convention

KDL and Banyan Partners have submitted and adopted the paper “collecting celestial sphere image and cloud shape analysis” in the general session of the 2018 Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence.

The paper describes the research results in the process of developing a system that automates the “cloud cover” and “cloud state” currently under development using images taken on board and AI , which is necessary for machine learning. It also explains how to collect learning data for cloud images, and how to determine the “cloud state” using the collected images and the results.

At the 2018 National Conference of the Artificial Intelligence Society will be held in Kagoshima from June 5th to 8th, our staff will give an oral presentation from 17:20 on June 6th, 2018.

◎ Click here for details of the session

◎ Click here for the system development press release that was the basis of the paper.
  Aiming to solve problems in ship weather observation with the world’s first on-board captured images and AI

[Contact for inquiries regarding this matter] * We will respond to interviews at any time. Please feel free to contact us.

Banyan Partners Inc.
Person in charge: Representative Director Fumio Tsuri
TEL :078-335-5955

[Contact for inquiries regarding this matter] * We will respond to interviews at any time. Please feel free to contact us.