Regarding the sales, construction, and operation services required for the newly launched Magento business,
we have entered into a business alliance agreement with the support of Flats Co., Ltd. (Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director Takahiro Hisasue, hereinafter “Flats”).
Magento, an EC platform used by more than 240,000 sites around the world, is recognized in Japan as an open source software for building cross-border EC sites.
The number of companies that have introduced it is increasing in response to the demand for cross-border EC in recent years.
Together with Kobe Digital Labo Inc. (President: Ichiro Nagayoshi, KDL); an IT vendor from one of our parent companies that develops systems, Web business, and security services; we are promoting his Magento business in Japan and Southeast Asia.
The purpose is to meet the increasing demand for cross-border EC.
[Contact for inquiries regarding this matter] * We will respond to interviews at any time. Please feel free to contact us.